Track 48V Surface

Sisteme de iluminat – Șine – Șine suspendate/ aplicate

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Valid Till: 28/02/2025
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The low voltage track permits covering all the lighting needs of a project, at the same time as it is able to adapt to the changes that can occur in the scene. No matter the project need: accent, spotlight, ambient, any lighting effect is possible with one of the solutions available for this Arkoslight low voltage system. The scene and configuration possibilities are almost endless. Wide product collection. One system, multiple lighting solutions. Electrical safety, low voltage. Easy-to-install, without tools. Versatile: simple and manual location changes. Maximum perceived quality in details and finishings. Compatible with DALI control systems.

Come see it in the showroom!

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Arkoslight este un brand spaniol de corpuri de iluminat fondat în 1984. Din 1990, compania se dedică proiectării și producției de soluții de iluminat arhitectural de înaltă calitate: spoturi, șine de iluminat, suspensii, veioze. Doar în ultimii 10 ani, brandul a primit 80 de premii internaționale de design. Între acestea se numără prestigioasele iF Product Design Award și Red Dot Design Award.

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